Kim Wells
Acupuncture is a very safe therapy in pregnancy. It can be used to induce labour where the pregnancy goes beyond term. Also studies have shown it can both shorten and ease the labour process.
It can be given as a routine prebirth treatment from weeks 37 or 38, once a week until delivery. In the case of BREECH PRESENTATION, heat in the form of a "moxa stick" can be applied to an acupuncture point on the little toe. Best results occur at around week 34 but it can be done later.
Acupuncture can be used for nausea and vomiting ("morning sickness"), back pain and sciatica, pain of the symphysis pubis and many of the other problems that arise in pregnancy and after giving birth.
For more details please refer to my website:
Acupuncture is also used in the treatment of fertility problems, male as well female, including ASSISTED REPRODUCTION (IVF etc.)
Acupuncture can be given successfully to children of all ages including babies. According to Chinese Medicine, many of the problems of babies and young children are thought to derive in large measure from faulty digestion or unbalanced diet. This applies to psychological problems such as hyperactivity, insomnia and night terrors as well as more physical ones like asthma and ear problems.
Where appropriate Kim may prescribe Chinese Herbal Medicine along side acupuncture. This is particularly relevant in the case of eczema and other skin conditions.
It can be given as a routine prebirth treatment from weeks 37 or 38, once a week until delivery. In the case of BREECH PRESENTATION, heat in the form of a "moxa stick" can be applied to an acupuncture point on the little toe. Best results occur at around week 34 but it can be done later.
Acupuncture can be used for nausea and vomiting ("morning sickness"), back pain and sciatica, pain of the symphysis pubis and many of the other problems that arise in pregnancy and after giving birth.
For more details please refer to my website:
Acupuncture is also used in the treatment of fertility problems, male as well female, including ASSISTED REPRODUCTION (IVF etc.)
Acupuncture can be given successfully to children of all ages including babies. According to Chinese Medicine, many of the problems of babies and young children are thought to derive in large measure from faulty digestion or unbalanced diet. This applies to psychological problems such as hyperactivity, insomnia and night terrors as well as more physical ones like asthma and ear problems.
Where appropriate Kim may prescribe Chinese Herbal Medicine along side acupuncture. This is particularly relevant in the case of eczema and other skin conditions.