Sports Massage Therapy
Sports Massage Therapy can help with many conditions – whether you are recovering from an injury or might suffer from occupational or postural stress, from tightness and tension that arises from postural imbalance. Sports Massage Therapy works with the muscles, ligaments and tendons. It can lengthen the fibres and help to break down scar tissue that appears after an injury or due to overuse in a particular area.
A thorough understanding of Anatomy and Physiology are necessary to address your problem’s symptoms and to find the source of the problem in order to treat it in the best possible way and to restore the balance of your body. Techniques used include deep massage strokes, stretching and lengthening techniques or myofascial release, depending on your individual needs.
These are some of the benefits of Sports Massage:
A thorough understanding of Anatomy and Physiology are necessary to address your problem’s symptoms and to find the source of the problem in order to treat it in the best possible way and to restore the balance of your body. Techniques used include deep massage strokes, stretching and lengthening techniques or myofascial release, depending on your individual needs.
These are some of the benefits of Sports Massage:
- Improvement in the range of movement and flexibility
- The breakdown and removal of scar tissue and metabolic waste
- Improvement of circulation and lymphatic flow
- An increase in quality and quantity of your training performance
- The early detection and possible prevention of injury
- The provision of general relaxation and well-being