Healing Shiatsu: Jo Hofman
Shiatsu is like acupuncture, but without the needles. It works on the same energy channels in the body that traditional Chinese medicine uses. Instead of needles, I use my thumbs, fingers and palms to stimulate or calm and restore harmony to the body. Shiatsu draws on thousands of years of expertise, experienced observation and healing. It's very appropriate for use with babies, toddlers and children as it is non-invasive while being safe and soothing with wriggly little ones.
After childbirth I recommend that mother and baby have a Shiatsu session together to rebalance and restore their bodies energetically. This will help deal with any trauma or shock that can become locked into the body by the intensity of the experience. Shiatsu releases tension and nourishes the mother after the strenuous and exhausting process of childbirth. Also it gives the mother a well-earned peaceful treat and a time to recharge her batteries. I adapt the session to what is appropriate at the time. For example I may give Shiatsu to the baby while being cuddled in the mothers arms, and then give the mother Shiatsu while the baby sleeps or rests nestled beside her. I have been working with mothers and their babies for over 20 years now and it is always a priviledge and a joy. Babies are always so responsive and have such a fresh energy. However some mothers prefer to leave their babies with someone and have an hour just for them. Peace at last!
I have also worked with children for many years with the intention to relieve both physical and mental childhood illnesses. There are restrictions for websites from the Advertising Standards Authority so I cannot list the wide range of illnesses I have worked with over the past 20 years. I recommend that people who want more details about Shiatsu and its effectiveness with particular illnesses either ring me for a chat about their particular concerns or come for a 15 minute free consultation that can be booked at the clinic.
Children are very responsive to Shiatsu and change can occur very rapidly, so a short series of sessions is usually all that is needed with a possible top-up session to check all is well in a couple of months.
Unlike some bodywork techniques Shiatsu is given fully-clothed (loose clothing preferable) and usually with a blanket laid over the body. This is reassuring and comforting for children and teenagers. Being a teenager can be a stressful and confusing time with all the hormonal and life/school changes. Some teenagers and parents find it very helpful and supportive to have Shiatsu at this time both physically and emotionally. Young people seem to appreciate the attention and support that Shiatsu can give them, a time to restore their equilibrium. Sometimes my role becomes that of a mentor as well as a healer.
Fertility is an issue I have worked with throughout my time as a Shiatsu practitioner working on both physical and emotional aspects. Also some women have appreciated support through the process of IVF.
Lastly Shiatsu is good for parents that do a lot of caring and giving and whose lives do not have many breaks, because Shiatsu gives a parent time to stop and be nourished and time to receive what the body and mind needs to replenish itself.
After childbirth I recommend that mother and baby have a Shiatsu session together to rebalance and restore their bodies energetically. This will help deal with any trauma or shock that can become locked into the body by the intensity of the experience. Shiatsu releases tension and nourishes the mother after the strenuous and exhausting process of childbirth. Also it gives the mother a well-earned peaceful treat and a time to recharge her batteries. I adapt the session to what is appropriate at the time. For example I may give Shiatsu to the baby while being cuddled in the mothers arms, and then give the mother Shiatsu while the baby sleeps or rests nestled beside her. I have been working with mothers and their babies for over 20 years now and it is always a priviledge and a joy. Babies are always so responsive and have such a fresh energy. However some mothers prefer to leave their babies with someone and have an hour just for them. Peace at last!
I have also worked with children for many years with the intention to relieve both physical and mental childhood illnesses. There are restrictions for websites from the Advertising Standards Authority so I cannot list the wide range of illnesses I have worked with over the past 20 years. I recommend that people who want more details about Shiatsu and its effectiveness with particular illnesses either ring me for a chat about their particular concerns or come for a 15 minute free consultation that can be booked at the clinic.
Children are very responsive to Shiatsu and change can occur very rapidly, so a short series of sessions is usually all that is needed with a possible top-up session to check all is well in a couple of months.
Unlike some bodywork techniques Shiatsu is given fully-clothed (loose clothing preferable) and usually with a blanket laid over the body. This is reassuring and comforting for children and teenagers. Being a teenager can be a stressful and confusing time with all the hormonal and life/school changes. Some teenagers and parents find it very helpful and supportive to have Shiatsu at this time both physically and emotionally. Young people seem to appreciate the attention and support that Shiatsu can give them, a time to restore their equilibrium. Sometimes my role becomes that of a mentor as well as a healer.
Fertility is an issue I have worked with throughout my time as a Shiatsu practitioner working on both physical and emotional aspects. Also some women have appreciated support through the process of IVF.
Lastly Shiatsu is good for parents that do a lot of caring and giving and whose lives do not have many breaks, because Shiatsu gives a parent time to stop and be nourished and time to receive what the body and mind needs to replenish itself.