Melanie Savile, McTimony Chiropractor
MSc Hons Chiro SMST Sports Therapy Melanie has been a McTimoney Chiropractor since 2004. She is also a Sports and Rehabilitation Therapist and has done further chiropractic training to enable her to treat animals. The gentle whole body McTimoney Technique is suitable for you and your whole family - from the newborn baby to the most elderly member - and your pets or horses. She is registered with the General Chiropractic Council and the McTimoney Chiropractic Association and is fully insured. Chiropractic has strong evidence showing benefits for the following conditions:- * Back neck and shoulder pain, * Pain and stiffness in the joints * Arthritis. * Muscular aches * Migraine and headaches. * Sports injuries However many patients also find improvements in symptoms as varied as menstrual pain and stomach pain, and jaw and teeth pain. If you would like to discuss whether chiropractor may be able to help you, then please phone or pop in to the clinic. Fees: First appointment £54 (Children £49) Follow-ups; £44 (Children £39) |